Senin, 15 Maret 2021

Papers Periodization of the History of Islamic Civilization

Papers Periodization of the History of Islamic Civilization - Praise and gratitude to Allah Almighty God Almighty, for His blessings and mercy, we can complete the preparation of the History of Islamic Civilization Paper entitled "The History of Islamic Civilization as Science" in a timely manner. Hopefully prayers and greetings are always bestowed on our role model Prophet Muhammad SAW, along with his family, friends, and all of us as followers. This paper will not be completed on time without the help of various parties. 2. All parties who helped the production of this paper that we cannot mention one by one. There is no ivory that is not cracked. Likewise, no work is perfect. Therefore, we expect criticism and suggestions from discussants for the progress of this paper in the future. Finally, it is hoped that this paper can open up insights into the history of Islamic civilization. So that our knowledge about the history of Islamic civilization is increasing. In the history of human culture, the process of exchanging and interacting (intermingling) or borrowing and borrowing concepts between one culture and another has always occurred, as happened between Western culture and Islamic civilization. In this process there is always an attitude of resistance and acceptance.

However, in a condition where a culture is stronger than another, what happens is the domination of the strong against the weak. Ibn Khaldun's term, "a conquered society, tends to imitate the culture of its conqueror". When Islamic civilization became very strong and dominant in the Middle Ages, European society tended to imitate or "orientate towards Islam". Now when it is the turn of the strong and dominant Western culture, the imitation process also occurs. It is proven that since the rise of the West and the weak political power of Islam, Muslim scientists have studied various disciplines including Islam from the West in order to borrow. It's just that because Islamic civilization is in a hegemonic condition, the ability to filter concepts in Western thought and culture is also weak. 1. Explain the meaning of the history of Islamic civilization! 2. Explain the history of Islamic civilization as a science! 3. Explain the basics of Islamic civilization? 4. Explain the periodicity of the development of Islamic civilization! The definition of history, which in Arabic is called the date / sirah or history in English, is a branch of science that deals with the chronology of various events. The history of Islamic civilization is defined as the development or advancement of Islamic culture in its historical perspective.

However, there is another understanding of the history of Islamic civilization, namely the progress and level of intelligence that was produced in a period of Islamic rule starting from the period of the Prophet Muhammad to the development of Islamic rule today. The history of Islamic civilization is also defined as the results achieved by the Islamic ummah in the fields of literature, science and art. The history of Islamic civilization is closely related to the history of Islamic culture, but there are differences between the two, namely Culture is a form of expression of the profound spirit of a society. Meanwhile, its manifestations are a form of technological mechanics which is more related to civilization. If culture is more reflected in art, literature, and morals, then civilization is reflected in politics, economics, and technology. Why did the history of Islamic civilization become a science? We can answer this question by referring to HAR Gibb's opinion in his book Whiter Islam states, "Islam is indeed much more than a system of technology, its is a complete civilization" (Islam is actually more than just a religion, it is a civilization. Perfect).

Because what is the cause of the emergence of a culture is Islam, the culture that it causes is Islamic Culture or Civilization. After observing this opinion, we relate it to the History of Islamic Civilization as Science, Islam is the main strength of the emergence of culture and culture, which in this sense is Islamic Civilization and Islamic Culture, and those contained in both include literature, art, morals, economics, politics. , and technology, but much, much more. All things that are contained in both of them are knowledge that is widely studied by mankind today, that is why the History of Islamic Civilization as a Science of Knowledge. All of the sciences, both the History of Islamic Civilization and the History of Islamic Culture, can be studied in the Al-Quran because all the sciences are contained in it, it has been widely proven in academic circles, whether it is related to past discoveries or those related to the concept of modern knowledge. This is a proof of the concept of Islam as a teaching that comes from God directly and not through a process of engineering.

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