Early Human History in Indonesia - Maybe you have read similar or similar articles, but this article is different because we have taken it from reliable sources, the following is about the history of ancient humans in Indonesia. In Indonesia, the discovery of early humans was first found in the Java region, especially in Central Java and East Java. Early humans in Indonesia have existed since the quartair era or can be said to have lived since 600 thousand years ago. The quartair period is divided into 2 parts, the first is called the Dilluvium period (pleistocen), while the second is called the alluvium period (Holocen). In Indonesia during the Dilluvium era, according to Dr. Von Koenigswald is divided into 3 layers, namely the lower layer, the middle layer, and the upper layer. Where each of these layers has its own ancient human fossils.
1. Lower Dilluvium
This layer is the oldest layer, there are 3 types of ancient human fossils in it, namely:
Meganthropus Palaeojavanicus, is the oldest fossil or many call it the first early humans, this fossil was found in the Sangiran area.
Pithecanthropus Dubius, is a fossil that is not clear whether human or ape fossils, therefore this fossil is named Pithecanthropus Dubius which means dubious ape man. This fossil was found in the Sangiran area too.
Pithecanthropus Robustus or Plthecanthropus Mojokertensis is a fossil that was also found in the Sangiran area. A Weidenreich scholar named the fossil Pithecanthropus Robustus, while an discoverer named Von Koenigswald named the fossil Plthecanthropus Mojokertensis because he said that he first found it in the Mojokerto plain.
2. Middle Dilluvium
Dr. Eugene Dubois is a figure who found this type of fossil, he said that at this time early humans were able to stand upright, therefore he named it Pithecanthropus Erectus which means ape man who walked upright.
3. Upper Dilluvium
In this layer, the youngest ancient human fossils found in Ngandong were found, later given the name Homo Soloensis. Meanwhile, ancient human fossils found in Wajak (Tulungagung) in the same type were named Homo Wajakensis.
Early Human Culture of Indonesia
Although life in ancient times was known to be very primitive, they were familiar with culture, whether it was in the form of old stone culture or what was called Palaeolitchicum. These cultures are found in many areas of Pacitan and Ngandong.
The culture of the Pacitan area, the tools of the Pacitan culture are classified as very simple, the materials used are only stones with a simple manufacture such as a hand-held ax.
The culture of Ngandong, in Ngandong, has made some progress by not only using a hand-held stone ax, but also starting to use bones. The use of bones serves as an awl and scraper to pick up sweet potatoes and taro. Homo Soloensis and Homo Wajakensis are thought to have owned this culture during the Upper Dilluvium era.
The Pattern of Early Human Life in Indonesia
We can find out the pattern of early human life by assessing the tools used at that time. Based on research on these fossils, the following conclusions can be drawn.
Early humans did not know the name of farming or the agricultural world. They obtain food directly from nature, either by hunting, taking existing fruit, and so on.
Early humans still lived nomadically or lived by moving either in groups or individually.
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