Jumat, 23 April 2021

Tips menang di joker123 untuk anggota baru

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Tips menang di joker123 untuk anggota baru

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Senin, 15 Maret 2021

Early Human History in Indonesia

Early Human History in Indonesia - Maybe you have read similar or similar articles, but this article is different because we have taken it from reliable sources, the following is about the history of ancient humans in Indonesia. In Indonesia, the discovery of early humans was first found in the Java region, especially in Central Java and East Java. Early humans in Indonesia have existed since the quartair era or can be said to have lived since 600 thousand years ago. The quartair period is divided into 2 parts, the first is called the Dilluvium period (pleistocen), while the second is called the alluvium period (Holocen). In Indonesia during the Dilluvium era, according to Dr. Von Koenigswald is divided into 3 layers, namely the lower layer, the middle layer, and the upper layer. Where each of these layers has its own ancient human fossils.

1. Lower Dilluvium

This layer is the oldest layer, there are 3 types of ancient human fossils in it, namely:

Meganthropus Palaeojavanicus, is the oldest fossil or many call it the first early humans, this fossil was found in the Sangiran area.
Pithecanthropus Dubius, is a fossil that is not clear whether human or ape fossils, therefore this fossil is named Pithecanthropus Dubius which means dubious ape man. This fossil was found in the Sangiran area too.
Pithecanthropus Robustus or Plthecanthropus Mojokertensis is a fossil that was also found in the Sangiran area. A Weidenreich scholar named the fossil Pithecanthropus Robustus, while an discoverer named Von Koenigswald named the fossil Plthecanthropus Mojokertensis because he said that he first found it in the Mojokerto plain.

2. Middle Dilluvium

Dr. Eugene Dubois is a figure who found this type of fossil, he said that at this time early humans were able to stand upright, therefore he named it Pithecanthropus Erectus which means ape man who walked upright.

3. Upper Dilluvium

In this layer, the youngest ancient human fossils found in Ngandong were found, later given the name Homo Soloensis. Meanwhile, ancient human fossils found in Wajak (Tulungagung) in the same type were named Homo Wajakensis.

Early Human Culture of Indonesia

Although life in ancient times was known to be very primitive, they were familiar with culture, whether it was in the form of old stone culture or what was called Palaeolitchicum. These cultures are found in many areas of Pacitan and Ngandong.

The culture of the Pacitan area, the tools of the Pacitan culture are classified as very simple, the materials used are only stones with a simple manufacture such as a hand-held ax.
The culture of Ngandong, in Ngandong, has made some progress by not only using a hand-held stone ax, but also starting to use bones. The use of bones serves as an awl and scraper to pick up sweet potatoes and taro. Homo Soloensis and Homo Wajakensis are thought to have owned this culture during the Upper Dilluvium era.

The Pattern of Early Human Life in Indonesia

We can find out the pattern of early human life by assessing the tools used at that time. Based on research on these fossils, the following conclusions can be drawn.

Early humans did not know the name of farming or the agricultural world. They obtain food directly from nature, either by hunting, taking existing fruit, and so on.
Early humans still lived nomadically or lived by moving either in groups or individually.

Sudden Decisions That Changed World History

Sudden Decisions That Changed World History -Next we will provide reliable articles that we have summarized and made as light as possible, so that they can be read by all people, along with sudden decisions that changed world history.

History can change in the blink of an eye. Everything from taking wrong turns, improvising speech, to cloudy clouds can change the course of history. Sometimes, these choices are made by world leaders or ordinary people who happen to be in the right (or not quite right) situation.

This article will discuss a sudden decision, only a fraction of a minute or even a second but that succeeded in changing the world. Here's the list.

1. Taking a wrong turn triggers World War I

Gavrilo Princip never thought that he would change the course of history. As is well known, Princip was a member of Young Bosnia, a nationalist group that was trying to overthrow the Austro-Hungarian Empire. On June 28, 1914, Princip and his friends planned to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand who was visiting Sarajevo.

After waiting for a while, they threw a bomb under the car in which Ferdinand was riding. Unfortunately for them, the Archduke managed to survive the accident. But moments later, Ferdinand decided to visit the victims of the explosion who were being treated at a local hospital.

As described in History, he instructed his driver to take a different route than before, and this is where all this catastrophe begins. The driver took a wrong turn and ended up on the exact same road as before, the place where Princip was hanging out with his friends.

Princip immediately used the golden opportunity. He fired two shots from close range that managed to penetrate Ferdinand's neck and his wife Sophie's stomach. Later, this event would trigger World War I.

2. The dismissal of staff which led to the sinking of the Titanic

The sinking of the RMS Titanic is one of the greatest marine tragedies in history. The Titanic, heralded as an unsinkable ship, hit an iceberg in the Atlantic Ocean and sank shortly thereafter.

According to some sources, there are many mistakes that can be attributed to the disaster. One of the most fatal mistakes, however, was the sudden decision to replace the ship's staff. That staff member was David Blair, who was removed from the Titanic just before the ship set sail.

Unfortunately, he forgot to hand over the locker key containing the navigation tools, including the binoculars. The Titanic took off before she knew it, so the rest of the staff had to see the iceberg with their own eyes. It was clear that this mistake had sunk Titanic.

3. The speech paper that saved Teddy Roosevelt's life

Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt is known as one of the best presidents in the history of the United States. In 1912, when he was again running for president for the third time, Roosevelt prepared a 50-page speech text.

Before climbing to the podium, Roosevelt folded the manuscript and then put it in his breast pocket. This may seem like a small decision, although it will be this decision that will save his life in the future. As he prepared to make a speech, a man climbed up and shot Roosevelt in the chest.

Fortunately, the bullet was caught by a pile of paper which he put in his pocket. Of course, as a "bull moose," Teddy continued his speech for a moment before finally being taken to the local hospital.

4. Erwin Rommel's surprise before D-Day

Operation Overlord or the invasion of the Normandy beaches on D-Day is known as one of the most important moments in World War II. However, this event would have been very different if it weren't for the birthday party that was planned by Erwin Rommel.

At that time, this German marshal, called the "Desert Fox", was in charge of defenses in Normandy. However, Rommel prefers to surprise his wife and go on vacation with him.

This decision was probably related to his disagreement with Adolf Hitler, who thought that the Allied forces would be anchored in the city of Calais instead of the Normandy coast. Rommel went on vacation just before the Allies attacked.

In his absence, the Third Reich troops were confused and the Allies took advantage of this opportunity to launch a full-scale assault on the Normandy coast.

Papers Periodization of the History of Islamic Civilization

Papers Periodization of the History of Islamic Civilization - Praise and gratitude to Allah Almighty God Almighty, for His blessings and mercy, we can complete the preparation of the History of Islamic Civilization Paper entitled "The History of Islamic Civilization as Science" in a timely manner. Hopefully prayers and greetings are always bestowed on our role model Prophet Muhammad SAW, along with his family, friends, and all of us as followers. This paper will not be completed on time without the help of various parties. 2. All parties who helped the production of this paper that we cannot mention one by one. There is no ivory that is not cracked. Likewise, no work is perfect. Therefore, we expect criticism and suggestions from discussants for the progress of this paper in the future. Finally, it is hoped that this paper can open up insights into the history of Islamic civilization. So that our knowledge about the history of Islamic civilization is increasing. In the history of human culture, the process of exchanging and interacting (intermingling) or borrowing and borrowing concepts between one culture and another has always occurred, as happened between Western culture and Islamic civilization. In this process there is always an attitude of resistance and acceptance.

However, in a condition where a culture is stronger than another, what happens is the domination of the strong against the weak. Ibn Khaldun's term, "a conquered society, tends to imitate the culture of its conqueror". When Islamic civilization became very strong and dominant in the Middle Ages, European society tended to imitate or "orientate towards Islam". Now when it is the turn of the strong and dominant Western culture, the imitation process also occurs. It is proven that since the rise of the West and the weak political power of Islam, Muslim scientists have studied various disciplines including Islam from the West in order to borrow. It's just that because Islamic civilization is in a hegemonic condition, the ability to filter concepts in Western thought and culture is also weak. 1. Explain the meaning of the history of Islamic civilization! 2. Explain the history of Islamic civilization as a science! 3. Explain the basics of Islamic civilization? 4. Explain the periodicity of the development of Islamic civilization! The definition of history, which in Arabic is called the date / sirah or history in English, is a branch of science that deals with the chronology of various events. The history of Islamic civilization is defined as the development or advancement of Islamic culture in its historical perspective.

However, there is another understanding of the history of Islamic civilization, namely the progress and level of intelligence that was produced in a period of Islamic rule starting from the period of the Prophet Muhammad to the development of Islamic rule today. The history of Islamic civilization is also defined as the results achieved by the Islamic ummah in the fields of literature, science and art. The history of Islamic civilization is closely related to the history of Islamic culture, but there are differences between the two, namely Culture is a form of expression of the profound spirit of a society. Meanwhile, its manifestations are a form of technological mechanics which is more related to civilization. If culture is more reflected in art, literature, and morals, then civilization is reflected in politics, economics, and technology. Why did the history of Islamic civilization become a science? We can answer this question by referring to HAR Gibb's opinion in his book Whiter Islam states, "Islam is indeed much more than a system of technology, its is a complete civilization" (Islam is actually more than just a religion, it is a civilization. Perfect).

Because what is the cause of the emergence of a culture is Islam, the culture that it causes is Islamic Culture or Civilization. After observing this opinion, we relate it to the History of Islamic Civilization as Science, Islam is the main strength of the emergence of culture and culture, which in this sense is Islamic Civilization and Islamic Culture, and those contained in both include literature, art, morals, economics, politics. , and technology, but much, much more. All things that are contained in both of them are knowledge that is widely studied by mankind today, that is why the History of Islamic Civilization as a Science of Knowledge. All of the sciences, both the History of Islamic Civilization and the History of Islamic Culture, can be studied in the Al-Quran because all the sciences are contained in it, it has been widely proven in academic circles, whether it is related to past discoveries or those related to the concept of modern knowledge. This is a proof of the concept of Islam as a teaching that comes from God directly and not through a process of engineering.

History of the Development of the World Islamic Economy

History of the Development of the World Islamic Economy - Dear readers, the development of Islamic Economics or what is known as the Islamic Economy in the world in the last three decades has been growing slowly along with the number of banks that use the syariah system (profit sharing) in their banking system. The development of Islamic economics in the world has become a solution in several countries who consider that interest (Riba) is not the best solution in banking. Now what the author wants to discuss today is "The History of the Development of a World Islamic Economy". The application of Islamic Finance in the World began with the establishment of the first Islamic bank in Egypt in 1963, namely the Mit Ghamr Local Saving Bank which was a milestone in the history of the development of the banking system such as Savings, Loans, Equity, Direct Investment, etc.

Mit Ghamr Local Saving Bank was founded by Dr. Ahmad Elnaggar in 1963 which took the form of a savings bank based on profit sharing in Mit Ghamr City, Egypt. This experiment was carried out until 1967, and by then there were 9 banks with a similar concept in Egypt. Mit Ghamr's introduction of a banking system based on Islam received a warm welcome from local residents.

This is evident from the number of customers who at the end of the 1963/1964 financial year were 17,560 to 251,152 at the end of the 1966/1967 financial year. One of the reasons for the increase is a sense of belonging among the community about this system and this is what makes Mit Ghamr Local Saving Bank the most successful and innovative bank in modern times. This success has inspired Muslims around the world and raised awareness that in modern business the principles of Islamic economics can be applied.

The emergence of modern Islamic economics on the international stage began in the 1970s which was marked by the presence of contemporary economists such as Kursyid Ahmad, An-Naqvi, M. Umer Chapra, etc. Even in Europe, there is already a bank that was founded in 1983, namely The Islamic Bank International of Denmark. Meanwhile, countries such as Pakistan, Iran, and Sudan, took the initiative to implement a total Islamic financial system, so that all financial institutions in these countries operate without using interest. The Islamic economic system is an alternative choice because the Islamic economic system is different from other economic systems.

The objective of Islamic economics is not solely material, but includes various aspects such as: welfare, a better life, giving a very high value to brotherhood and socio-economic justice, and demanding a balanced satisfaction, both in material and spiritual needs for all mankind. Even today, many countries have established Departments or Faculties of Islamic Economics in their universities, have even started to Islamize their institutions and are supported by the sharia economic movement which includes all aspects of the economy as defined by Umer Chapra in his book The Future of Economics.

Meanwhile, the application of sharia principles to sectors outside the banking industry starts with the insurance industry (Takaful). The first insurance company was Takaful Insurance in Sudan in 1979, which was managed by Dar al-Mal al-Islami Group. Dar al-Mal expanded its business to other European and Asian countries. There were at least four takaful and crackaful insurers in 1983, based in Luxembourg, England etc. 4 trillion. Meanwhile, in the next 8-10 years, 40% -50% of the total deposits of Muslims, amounting to 1.3 billion, are projected to be in global Islamic financial institutions.

The knowledge base is very important from an expert system, even the knowledge base can be likened to the core of an expert system. Knowledge base is a representation of expert knowledge. The knowledge base is composed of facts and rules. Fact is information about object, event and situation. A rule is a way of generating a new fact from an already known fact. The inference engine is the brain of an expert system. The inference engine is used to make reasoning from a condition based on a pre-existing knowledge base.

In this component, there is a process of manipulating the facts on the knowledge base to produce a solution. The reasoning strategy consists of two types, namely definite reasoning (Exact Reasoning) and uncertain reasoning (Inexact Reasoning). Exact reasoning is used when all the data needed to draw conclusions are available, in contrast to inexact reasoning. This facility is used as an intermediary for communication between users and the system. Aamodt, Agnar, and Enric Plaza. "Case-Based Reasoning: Foundational Issues, Methodological Variations, and System Approaches". Althoff, Klaus-Dieter, Ralph Bergmann, andL. Karl Branting, eds. " Case-Based Reasoning research and development: proceedings of the Third International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning ”. Dimitris Bertsimas and John Tsitsiklis.

Muslim Technology Expert

 Muslim Technology Expert - The great services of Muslim technology experts have indeed had a big impact on everyday life. We also know that the world of technology is always full of inventors and originators of innovative ideas and thoughts. Who would have thought that behind the invention and the increasingly sophisticated technology industry today is the touch of Muslim experts behind it. So this proves that Muslim technology experts are not inferior and deserve to be recognized in technological developments, such as Western scientists. Well, this time we will provide information about several Muslim technology experts whose existence has greatly influenced the development of the technological world. The scientist who is very influential in the world of technology is Ibn -ul-Haytham. This scientist is a character who has succeeded in creating optics. Now his invention is very useful for use in camera devices. The camera is a very valuable product. Through camera shots, humans are able to capture moments in the form of images and videos. Currently, the development of technology in the camera is controlled by Western and Japanese scientists.

In the history of cameras, Western nations say that the development of camera technology was first initiated by Kepler, who claimed to have invented the Obscura camera in 1611 AD. But actually at the end of the 10th century AD, Ibn Al Haitham first invented the Obscura camera which was used to study solar eclipses. This camera product created by Al Haitham works in simple imaging, where there is a small hole in the wall to see the motion of the sun which can be projected through a flat surface. The results of this study were then written by Al Haitham in an al Manazir book or an optical book. It is suspected that the book was read by Kepler and developed with a larger image projection using a negative lens behind a positive lens. It is one of Al Haitham's most instrumental works. This very influential discovery was successfully carried out, together with Kamaluddin al Farisi. The two experts successfully studied the camera obscura phenomenon. The discovery stems from both of them who are both studying solar eclipses. This study of optical knowledge was finally able to trigger the capabilities of today's cameras used by humans. The world knows that al Haitham is a pioneer in the popular field of optics through his book al-Manazir.

Technological developments are increasingly advanced, during World War I, a version of the camera obscura was used to view aircraft and for measurement of capabilities. During World War II, this camera obscura was also used to check the navigation accuracy of radio devices. That was the creation of the Camera Obscura which was achieved by Haitham which was able to change world civilization. Modern civilization is certainly very indebted to the sacrifices made by Al Haitham. Given that he has written more than 200 scientific papers throughout his life. All of that was done for the development of human civilization. However, it is unfortunate that Muslims prefer to be amazed by the achievements of western technology. This of course also lacks respect and respect for what has been achieved by Muslim technology experts during the heyday of Islam. The Muslim scientist who managed to find a tool that can fly is Abbas Bin Firnas. This Muslim scientist was the first to successfully construct a flying device. Abbas Qasim Ibn Firnas was born in 810 in Izn-Rand Onda (now Spain).

He is known as an expert in scientific disciplines, chemist, inventor, humorist, musician, poet writer, natural scientist and a technology activist. This Moroccan Muslim technology expert lived during the reign of the Umayyad Caliph in Andalusia, Spain. Precisely in 852, under the rule of Caliph Abdul Rahman II, Abbas Bin Firnas decided to conduct flight trials. Successfully made an object that resembles a bird, a kind of wing from the jubbah supported by wood. At the time of his experiment, Abbas managed to fly the object in Cordoba, Spain. The object is able to float in the air for a while and is able to slow down its fall. He also managed to feel flying and managed to land even with minor injuries. The tool used by Abbas bin Firnas is currently known as the world's first parachute. Its success did not make Firnas complacent. After this experiment, Firnas carried out a series of concept development and research and combined the theory of natural phenomena that have often been considered. In 875, Firnas had turned 65 years old, but his enthusiasm never subsided. Ibn Firnas has made and designed a flying machine that aims to transport humans.

Tips menang di joker123 untuk anggota baru

  joker123   - Slot online dapat diprediksi. Anda dapat bertaruh pada permainan ini karena Anda sering menang di slot online. Orang yang mem...